A simple black grid pattern interspersed with vivid sections of primary colour is boldly displayed in this geometrical composition. Mondrian developed a style that banished the conventions of three-dimensional space and curved line.
He wished to build his pictures from the simlplest elements-straight lines and primary colours-which he moved around the canvas until he found the perfect composition balance. His aim was to create an objective art of discipline whose laws would somehow reflect the order of the universe.
The use of pure line and colour highlights the painting’s connection to the De Stijl movement, of which Mondrian was a leading member. He left his native Holland in1938, and travelled to London, where his studio was destroyed by bombing. After two years he went to New York and his compositions became slightly more colourful, reflecting the more restless rhythms of live in the land of Broadway and boogie-woogie.

Oil on Canvas, 96,5 x 76 cm
Piet Mondrian, 1929

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