By          : Gabriele Crepaldi


The Collection Art Book presents life and works of artists in the cultural, social and political context of their time. To give the reader an instrument adapted to the requirements of information and study, nice and easy to consult, each volume is divided into three major sections, recognizable by the side bands of various colors:
yellow for pages dedicated to the life and works by the artist, blue on at parties relating historical context, pink for the analysis of masterpieces. In each of the pages
double delves into a specific theme, with an introductory text and several annotated illustrations. The reader and, thus, freely choose the method and the sequence of query1 the order of the chapters or developing personalized tours. The complete information index of places, index names and essential biographies, also illustrated, for the identification works, actors and geographic locations occurs immediately.
The book printed in hard paper on 141 pages totally.

On Current Page 2: Ernst-Ludwig Kirchner, Invitation to the exposure of Die Brucke October 1906
Dresden, wood engraving, Private Collection preview here, here, and here

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