Book Title : MONET

Water Lilies, formerly ornamental lilies, 19 16-26 (detail)
Nymphéas, jadis Agapanthus
Oil on canvas, 200 x 425 cm
W.IV. 1976
Saint Louis, The Saint Louis Art Museum
Jean Monet in betting house of the artist, 1875
Un coin d'apartment
Oil on canvas, 80 x 60 cm
W.I. 365
Paris, Musee d'Orsay

Benedikt Taschen Verlag © 1990 GmbH & Co. KG, Cologne
© 1990 VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn (for the images)
Production and distribution Netherlands:
example Netherlands, PO Box 79, 5320 AB Hedel
Translation: dr. Anthony Berentsen
Editor: Inge Kappert
Production: Text Case, Groningen
Typesetting: Letter & Lijn, Groningen
Cover design: Peter Feierabend, Berlin
Biography: Odo Walther, Dielen am Ammersee
Color reproductions: Repro Color, Bocholt
Black witreprodukties: Reproservice Werner Pees, Essen
Printed in Germany
ISBN: 3-8228-0143-7 / NUGI 921

 Claude Monet (1840-1926) was the was the representative of the impressionism eminently. All his life he devoted an incredible work ethic and great drive for perfection investigating all painting of all that reality, focusing on resident the landscape had to offer.
So loyal and steadfast as Monet as a painter motive was able to work out, so was his restless life, full of travel and removals. He was born in Paris and was the work under the province introduced to painting in nature. He rebelled against his family urged him to make himself academically on lead paint. Until after the middle of his life, the pretentious artificial servant was plagued by financial need, which is partly caused by to be growing economy.
Two of his residences stand out:
Argenteuil represents the flowering period and breakthrough of impressionism, which Monet himself as a creative leader raised.

As well was Monet, in his attempts to justify ever-changing reality over Impressionism and thereby rose above the harmonic painting. For this step, the name of the village of Giverny: here came the popularity of the series, grain mites and Rouen Cathedral, where the motive was always different variations captions will image. Here explained Monet also famous garden with water lily pond, he painted on canvases of large size into the twenties. Hi1 thus not so much wanted to capture an objective to experience reality, but rather to "what takes place between the motif and the artist. his water lily decorations which arose alongside the popular avant-garde movements in that time, refer in their open, barely figurative structure and their grand format to later developments.

Karin Sagner-Düchting born in Erlabrunn-Steinheidel, studied art history, modern German literary history and classical archeology at the University of Munchen. She obtained her PhD in 1983
a study of Claude Monet waterlelie decorations (Hildesheim, 1985). until 1988
she worked as a scientific assistant for the rich collection of paintings in
Bayern. Today she works as researcher publicist and in the area of the
l9th-century art. She lives in Munich.

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